sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

1.Type´s of smartphones

The mobile phones:

Hi, I'm Sergio and this blogg I will explain the basic features of the major operating systems, I will give my point of view and tips to customize it to your taste and maximum enjoyment.
For starters there are 4 operating systems are the most important:

Android, Ios, Blackberry y Windows phone.

Let's start with the less extensive:


Blackberry is a smartphone very comfortable and the oldest in terms of SO.One of its advantages are mallores physical keyboard and the convenience that it represents, its strongest point is the exclusivity of the brand "Blackberry" and the large battery capacity and spends few resources.
-In my opinion this range of smartphones have become obsolete and need urgent renovation to compete with the other great marcas.Yo not buy until they change their interface. 

Windows phone:

This SO appeared recently so is still in the shadow of Apple and Android, however, has grown a lot lately and I believe will soon replace the top.
One of the strengths of these phones is the graphical interface of the PC `s of windows, their screens and incredible Super HD cameras, the worst are the graphical interface (the menu and interact with party) which is very intrusive and widgets overhead something made ​​for back to when choosing.This SO belongs to microsoft
-In my opinion these phones are very fluid and good but they need to be more basic and customization is in the user's hands.

home page for windows phone


Ios is the operating system used on Apple iPhone, one of the best smartphones in the world, personally I love it has characteristics that make it unique and exclusive.
-These phones have a hardware optimized for the mobile phone, which is very fluid carrying better quality components, a great point is that this OS is the one that most applications have to download from the APP STORE, but fall obsolete for me to be only one mobile phone model per year, and also very expensive, which hechará back to many consumers because they can not choose the mobile phone more


Android is the SO more sold in the world.This is a free SO of google  that is raging in all people.
their strongest features is that you can customize to the maximum according to the taste of the consumer, -Is the OS with more registered marks movile phones and most importantly there is a android smartphone tailored for each pocket, whi
ch we can all enjoy a smartphone to our complete liking.

                                                              Galaxy S3             Xperia T

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